Positional HUD
Like an X-ray that enables you to see what is hidden from the naked eye, this HUD reveals weaknesses in your opponents game. Thanks to splitting stats by position and stack size. You will only see the most relevant information to inform your decision. With a big enough sample, Open Raise stats from a specific position are further split by open raise size – small and large, and help you make an even better decision. If you need detailed information on how your opponent acts when choosing a specific line, you will find it in the Pop-Ups.
Static HUD
Following the new PokerStars rules (forbidding positional HUDs) a new static “Rentgen” HUD has been developed. The basic structure remained the same, but positional stats and stack sizes have been moved to quick-access Pop-Ups.
3bet Call Open Limp RFI Raiser Caller Steal vs 3bet BB def vs BTN BB def vs SB Raise
Stack sizes popups
Preflop PFR [3-4max] Postflop PFR [3-4max] Preflop vs PFR [3-4max] Postflop vs PFR [3-4max] Preflop PFR [5-6max] Postflop PFR [5-6max] Preflop vs PFR [5-6max] Postflop vs PFR [5-6max] Preflop PFR [7+max] Postflop PFR [7+max] Preflop vs PFR [7+max] Postflop vs PFR [7+max]