Use Hand2Note with GGPoker

HUD is not allowed in GGPoker network, but you can still use Hand2Note to analyze your own game and do the pool research. Take the following steps to get your hands in Hand2Note and start working with your database.

1. Get your hand histories

First of all, you should request your hand history files from GGpoker room.

No need to convert!

In the new Hand2Note 4 Beta GGpoker hand histories are natively supported. So you don’t need the converter anymore.

2. Import and analyze

Follow our brief guides to import your converted hands from GGPoker to Hand2Note, and analyze your poker database efficiently.

How to import GGpoker hands in Hand2Note

In this article, we’ll consider how to import poker hand histories from GG Network to Hand2Note step by step… Read more →

GGPoker Analysis in Hand2Note

The hand histories from GG Network rooms are anonymous, but you still can use all the amazing H2N analysis features to scan your game from all possible angles… Read more →