Free HUD

📝 Last updated: 16 February, 2025.

You can easily start using Hand2Note for free without any cracks. But how to get a free Hand2Note HUD? There are a few possible options we’ll consider in this article.

All the mentioned HUDs below are suitable for both Hand2Note 3 and Hand2Note 4 versions.

Get Free Cosmos HUD by Roman Belousov

First of all, we offer a completely free HUD from Roman Belousov – the official Hand2Note HUD expert. There are two versions for Cash and tournament players. Both versions contain the most relevant and useful statistics.

This poker HUD doesn’t contain any positional and dynamic options, so you can use it as your main HUD for PokerStars. It fully complies with this room policy. All the additional stats for different positions are in popups.

Get Simple Cash HUD by Nick Korolev

If you’re a cash games regular player, take a look at Simple Cash package by Nick Korolev – Hand2Note team member and cash games pro. It contains 3 simple but effective HUDs with special popups assigned to each cell.

You can get Simple Cash and 6 other HUDs for all game types for free as a part of the GUIDE10 promo.

Try standard HUD

In addition, you can use standard Hand2Note HUD and popup profiles that are presented in the software by default. They are called “default” and “PokerMaster default”. These profiles contain a basic set of stats that will be enough for the beginning. More experienced players can also use find this HUD usable, in Asian apps, for example.

hand2note default hud
Hand2Note default HUD

The default popup contains more detailed information on the player.

hand2note default popup
Hand2Note default popup

These standard HUD and popups are completely free and come with the program by default. So you can start using Hand2Note with this free HUD. No additional settings are required, just follow initial setup instructions.

Adjust HUD for your needs

You can also modify HUD and add a few stats to it to make it more informative. You need to use the HUD editor. It has a pretty intuitive interface. Just add new rows or columns and drag & drop needed stats into the cells from the list on the left part of the screen. There are a lot of ready-made stats available in Hand2Note like 3Bet, 4Bet, Squeeze, etc.

hand2note modify hud
Modifying default HUD in the editor

You can also create a new profile and build a more complex HUD profile for your needs. HUD and stats editors are available with Hand2Note free version. The process of creating a professional HUD is described in detail in the video course.

Consider more advanced HUD

You can start using Hand2Note with free HUD, as we discussed above. But it’s just a static HUD, that doesn’t reflect the full power of the best poker tracker software. So when you are ready to go to the next level, pay attention to more advanced poker HUDs.

Hand2Note positional HUD example: PRO Cash pack

In addition to positional and dynamic HUD, you’ll get a rich set of other poker tools that will help you to significantly improve the quality of your play. Take a look at our overview of those features.

If you finally decide to upgrade your Hand2Note version, don’t forget to use the GUIDE10 coupon to get a discount and bonus HUD.