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Featured packages:


Simple Cash ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$49 (Unlimited lifetime license)

Simple HUD and popups for cash games designed by Nick Korolev. Ergonomic and effective. Great option for the players who just wanna see the most common and important data on the opponents. Suitable for any game type (2-10 max, ante, straddle) and any room (PokerStars, Asian apps, etc.)


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.


Simple Cash HUD#1 at the table
HUD#1 Transcription





PRO Cash ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$99 (Unlimited lifetime license) + Simple Cash for free

Professional pack of HUDs and popups for cash games by Nick Korolev.

  • Displaying different stats in HUD depending on opponent’s and hero’s positions, opponent’s preflop acting before/after Hero and opponent’s type reg/fish, so you can always see only actual stats, and take the majority of preflop decisions without opening popups.
  • Competent combination of preflop and postflop statistics in popups allows you to quickly get all necessary information, not waste time switching between popups, and focus on the thoughts of the hand.

Positional HUD, stats and popups

Detailed review of all game scenarios

Suitable for both 6-max and 9-10-max tables

Color range for each stat in HUD depeding on it’s value


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.

Positional HUD

This HUD allows you to see only relevant stats for every opponent based on player’s type and position.

PokerStars HUD


Board textures

Decision Analysis

Manage ranges in your browser

FreeBetRange is online poker tool that allows you to build preflop ranges strategy and then use it during the game as dynamic charts.

Just a few steps to more considered play:

  • Sign up for free
  • Build ranges using intuitive editor
  • Open demo page when you start a session

Venom Cash ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$239 (Unlimited lifetime license)

VENOM is a package developed in consultation with more than ten NL100+ regulars over 6 months. After the first release, it was redesigned by over 70% for an even better experience – popups have received new convenient tabs and lines. You can use Venom not only at the tables, but also to analyse your game or your opponents as you have more than 5000 stats at your disposal.

All HUDs and popups illustrated below are included into the package. You can use all the HUDs from the set for playing in any rooms, including PokerStars.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.


Positional HUD

Static HUD#1






Perfect Cash ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$99 (Unlimited lifetime license) + Simple Cash for free

Perfect Cash is a perfectly balanced pack. It is lightweight and will provide you with the most necessary stats and a high import speed. But at the same time, it will allow you to take full advantage of Hand2Note.

The set contains more than 20 pop-ups for all kinds of game scenarios and 3 HUDs. You can use the dynamic HUD to see only the most relevant stats for the current hand stage. There are also 2 static HUDs in the set – for those who prefer more classic options, as well as for PokerStars regulars.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.

Dynamic HUD

This HUD reflects the full power of Hand2Note software. The most important and relevant data is always in front of your eyes.

Static HUD#1

Static HUD#2


TANK HUD ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$139 (Unlimited lifetime license)

TANK HUD and popup package contains:

  • 4 different static HUDs – it’s up to you which one you want to use – simple or advanced HUD;
  • 11 postflop popups with advanced stats;
  • includes board textures stats;
  • postflop popups for common situations BTN vs BB, SB vs BB etc;
  • simple stats for multiways.

We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.


Advanced HUD with tabs
Advanced HUD no tabs
Standard, simple and Hero HUDs
On the table


Study and Learn GTO in your browser

GTO Wizard is an ultimate GTO app where you can study and train GTO strategy.

Explore GTO ranges in Cash, MTT and Spin&Go formats using more than 10.000.000 pre-calculated solutions. Practice GTO in Trainer mode like on a real table.

Venom Straddle ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$199 (Unlimited lifetime license)

Venom[Straddle] is a package developed specifically for Chinese poker rooms, where:

  • you have to make your decisions very quickly;
  • you don’t have enough hands on your opponents;
  • there is little space in the table interface.

We have taken all of that into account and created a product you will undoubtedly love. We are giving you 19 Pop-Ups and 2 HUDs — Positional and Static. All the Pop-Ups are bound to HUD stats and additional letter tabs for your convenience. The necessary information is always easy to find. Pop-Ups contain exhaustive data about all possible game scenarios. We also added visualization of various ranges and lines, so that you can quickly assess your opponent’s tendencies. Thoughtfully chosen colors will help you easily transition to using new pop-ups.

Asian rooms, including PokerBros, are distinguished by a very dynamic game and a large number of weak opponents. Using a quality HUD will help you make significantly more money.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.


Positional HUD

Static HUD

TANK ASIA HUD ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$129 (Unlimited lifetime license)

Simple and effective HUD for Asian apps like PPPoker. TANK HUD works well for tables with and without straddle.

9 simple popups working for all POSTFLOP MULTIWAY SCENARIOS.
Preflop popups with 2 versions:

  • hand with straddle;
  • hand without straddle.

We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.



Elendil pack ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$199 (Unlimited lifetime license)

This pack was developed in cooperation with the successful professional player Sergei “Elendil” Moiseev. Sergei is not only the owner of an impressive profit (more than $1,000,000) but also a popular coach with extensive training experience. When creating the pack, Sergey took into account the wishes and comments of the students, as well as his observations of the field tendencies.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.


Positional HUD

Static HUD

Remizov pack ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$199 (Unlimited lifetime license)

Comprehensive package for MTT and MTSNG players.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.

Positional HUD

Static HUD#1

Static HUD #2

Static HUD #3

Static HUD #4


The Ultimate Poker Software Telegram Channel

Hand2Note, GTO Wizard, FreeBetRange and other poker tools for effective training with discounts and bonuses.

Телеграм каналJoin our channel and you will always have at hand all the best tools with high-quality reviews, and at the best prices.

Venom MTT ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$239 (Unlimited lifetime license)

VENOM [MTT] is a package developed in consultation with more than ten  $100+ regulars over 6 months.  You can use Venom [MTT] not only at the tables, but also to analyse your game or that of your opponents – you have more than 14000 stats at your disposal.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.


Static HUD#1




TANK MTT HUD ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$229 (Unlimited lifetime license)

Advanced TANK MTT HUD was made in a cooperation with one of the best MTT high stakes REG.

✓ The product includes 6k filter definitions
✓ Preflop is designed with split into stack sizes
✓ Postflop contains all necessary statistics during MTT session


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.



VeeeA Profitable ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$199 (Unlimited lifetime license)

This package was developed together with a professional player Artem “Veeea” Vezhenkov. He is a real MTT legend, who knows how to hit the prizes better than anyone else.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.

Positional HUD

Static HUD



Def4eg364 MTT HUD ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$149 (Unlimited lifetime license)

All pop-ups are divided by situations, so you don’t have to click on 100 pop-ups to find all the info, everything is in one place.

The stats are marked in 3 colors: orange is average reg, red is tight and green is more aggressive.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.


HUD at the table
HUD transcription


Rentgen ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$149 (Unlimited lifetime license)

Positional HUD

Like an X-ray that enables you to see what is hidden from the naked eye, this HUD reveals weaknesses in your opponents game. Thanks to splitting stats by position and stack size. You will only see the most relevant information to inform your decision. With a big enough sample, Open Raise stats from a specific position are further split by open raise size – small and large, and help you make an even better decision. If you need detailed information on how your opponent acts when choosing a specific line, you will find it in the Pop-Ups.

Static HUD

Following the new PokerStars rules (forbidding positional HUDs) a new static “Rentgen” HUD has been developed. The basic structure remained the same, but positional stats and stack sizes have been moved to quick-access Pop-Ups.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.


Stack sizes popups

Positional HUD

Static HUD


Essential One for Spins ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$299 (Unlimited lifetime license)

With all the advanced features only available in Hand2Note we had the opportunity to create one of the most detailed Spin&Go Huds on the market. Essential One is a dynamic Hud that recognizes your position and shows only the relevant stats for the current scenario. Although is detailed, we spent months to optimize the structure of the panels making it easy to use while playing.

Essential One is also includes a layout optimized for PokerStars. It’s still powerful even with the strong Hud resctrictions on the site thanks to the possibility of the fast, hot-key based Hud layout switch.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.

3-max BTN

The 3-handed layout is optimized for every possible scenario and positions. The layout is changed dynamically at every hand, showing only the panels relevant to your current situation. Effective stack sizes are also recognized and filtered automatically. These features help keeping your focus only on the most relevant stats for the given spot.

3-max SB

3-max BB


PokerStars Layout


Spin&Wow ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$259 (Unlimited lifetime license)

Compactness and relevance of Spin&Wow HUD is based on a long-term analysis of field trends and verification of the need to display a particular stats based on the frequency of game spots. In our HUD there is everything that is most needed for the Spin&Go player. The remaining stats are placed in convenient and structured popups.

With the help of a large number of various and useful popups, you can get a complete picture of a particular opponent, both during the game and analysis. Exclusive tabs with full lines allow you to analyze in detail the game of any player, as well as find deviations from trends and average stats of the field.

Spin&Wow HUD complies with all new PokerStars rules.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.

Popups 3-max

Popups 2-max


Simple Research ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$299 (Unlimited lifetime license) + Simple Cash for free

Popups set designed by Nick Korolev. Everything you need for a comprehensive analysis of opponents’ game and finding your own leaks.

All the preflop and postflop lines stats, hand strength and preflop ranges visualization, EV of different bet sizings and hand groups, breakdown by board texture, and more.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.


Board textures

Bet Sizings

EV Analysis

Ready-made reports


TANK MDA Lite ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$399 (Unlimited lifetime license)

This product is intended for people who want to analyze their game or analyze players’ pool tendencies.

  • Even a very small sample of hands ~ 100k will allow you to find your major PRE and POST flop leaks in the game.
  • Using Range Research you can analyze the tendencies of opponents. Finding overfold / overbluff / underbluff spots never was as easy as NOW.

We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.

TANK MDA ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$699 (Unlimited lifetime license)

You’ve spent hours analyzing your opponents but you want to break them down into prime factors – here’s a product right for you.

Using TANK MDA you will analyze each postflop line taking into account the sizings at Flop / Turn / River. You will know when to use what sizing to maximize fold equity. You will know what to use as a bottom bluffcatcher vs a given sizing.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.

Analytics Cash ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$399 (Unlimited lifetime license)

You can use ANALYTICS package to dive really deep into analyzing databases. Having adopted this package, you will take your analytical capabilities and understanding of general trends to a whole new level.

The package contains: 

  • 18000 stats, including 6000 advanced custom stats for various board textures; 
  • 80 pop-ups for all the possible lines and situations.

Analytics pack will be beneficial primarily for professional players, poker schools and coaches, as it allows you to thoroughly break apart any database, quickly and easily find leaks in your game and your students’ game, as well as typical leaks at your limit.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.

Preflop EDGE

The yellow theme can be replaced with the dark one.

Preflop SIMPLE



Analytics Straddle ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$399 (Unlimited lifetime license)

Analytic Straddle is a unique package developed specifically for analyzing the game in Chinese poker rooms. The pack is geared primarily towards analyzing databases and aliases in straddle games, but is also a good fit for analyzing regular games. The package has 20000 stats including:

  • 6000 advanced custom stats for various board textures
  • 105 pop-ups for all the possible lines and situations.

We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.




Analytics MTT ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$499 (Unlimited lifetime license)

The package contains 55000 stats, including:

  • 15000 advanced custom stats for various board textures;
  • 100+ pop-ups for all the possible situations and lines.

All the stats for lines are split by the player’s stack size, as well as effective stack size, which is crucial for the tournament strategy.

Don’t forget that when you purchase the Analytics package, you also receive all of the 55000 stats, and you are free to use them in your own HUDs and pop-ups.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.


Postflop (Overall)







TANK MDA MTT ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$699 (Unlimited lifetime license)

The most powerful package for professional MTT players who wants to dig deeper.

TANK MDA MTT pack contains over 24k stats in 50+ popups.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.

Venom Omaha ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$249 (Unlimited lifetime license)

In this set, we have reflected most of the preflop GTO and deviations from it in opponents’ stats. The focus is on the main leaks of the field. The pack is suitable both for the game and for analysis outside the tables.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.



GTO Popups (Low stakes)

GTO Popups (Middle stakes)

Extended description


Venom PLO 5 ✓ compatible with Hand2Note 4
$249 (Unlimited lifetime license)

The focus is on the main leaks of the field. The pack is suitable both for the game and for analysis outside the tables.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.

HUD #1

HUD #2

HUD #3

HUD #4


Range Research

ShortDeck Lite powered by Sixplusholdem.com
$139 (Unlimited lifetime license)

Simple and effective HUD for 6+ Holdem cash players. Contains the most important stats so you can quickly get valuable information on your opponents. Pay only the price difference to upgrade to ShortDeck PRO.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.




ShortDeck PRO powered by Sixplusholdem.com
$229 (Unlimited lifetime license)

The pack was developed by a professional 6+ Holdem player taking into account the features of this game type. Considered a variety of multiway pots (up to 6 players involved) both preflop and postflop. Thanks to this, you will always have information on your opponents in every possible game line. The package is suitable for Range Research field analysis as well.

HUD and popups are constantly being developed and improved. You will be receiving all updates and notes to them.


We accept Skrill, Wise, USDT and BTC.




Combo packs

Get special “Grind + Analysis” packages for the most comprehensive Hand2Note usage.

PRO Cash (or Perfect Cash) + Simple Research
10% off

(Or pay by Skrill / Neteller)

Venom Cash + Analytics Cash
20% off

(Or pay by Skrill / Neteller)

Venom MTT + Analytics MTT
20% off

(Or pay by Skrill / Neteller)

10% off

(Or pay by Skrill / Neteller)

You’ll also get a bonus: complete Hand2Note video course, which will help you to master all the H2N features and maximize EV of working with the software.


What will I get after purchasing?

You’ll be given all needed files and simple steps for the installation. Also you’ll have direct contacts of the pack developer, so you may use their help at any time. We are cooperating only with reliable developers, they’re all helpful and responsive.

Along with your package, you’ll also get a personal discount for complete Hand2Note video course.

What payment options are available?

By clicking on “Buy” button you can process an instant and secure payment by PayPal, Visa or MasterCard. We also accept Skrill and Neteller. Please follow these steps, if you’d like to pay for the package with your Skrill or Neteller account.

Do I need Hand2Note paid license?

All static HUDs are suitable for use in a free Hand2Note version. However, positional HUDs will only work if you have active trial period or EDGE or PRO license. Each product usually contains a set of different HUDs, so will be able to use some of them with a free version anyway.

If you want to use advanced HUDs and other amazing Hand2Note features, you can get a license at a discount with GUIDE10 promo code. Also check out our Starter Pack offer that includes a lot of bonuses along with the annual Hand2Note PRO or EDGE license.

Can I test HUD before purchasing?

Yes. We can give you a free trial for a few days so you can evaluate the package first. Use this form to request a demo of the selected product.

Will I be able to add or change stats in HUD?

Yes. The packages are available for editing, so you can modify HUD and popups for your needs.

Please note that we provide a service for creating and modifying HUD&popup profiles. If you want to order a personal HUD or adjust some package to your needs, get in touch, we’ll organize everything for you.

What stakes can the HUDs be used at?

All presented packages are unlimited. You can use HUD and popups to play and analyze opponents at any stakes.

What if HUD doesn’t work?

Please carefully follow general troubleshooting steps first. If it doesn’t help, please contact us.

I’m not sure what HUD I need. Can you help me?

Sure. Contact us, we’ll help you to find a suitable pack or create a custom one.

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