General manual

📝 Last updated: 11 July, 2024.

In this article we will run through all Hand2Note features. The manual contains the information about all the functions of the software.

Most of the content from this page has been moved to the official Hand2Note manual. If you don’t want to waste time on reading it, take a look at our video course.


hand2note hud
Hand2Note default HUD

HUD is one of the main functions of any poker tracker software and Hand2Note is no exception. Hand2Note provides users with advanced positional and dynamic HUDs, but you can also use simple static HUD. Learn more about different types of HUD from this article.

Two default HUD profiles are available in Hand2Note immediately after installation. You can also create your own HUD, import HUD from another tracker, or buy one of the commercial packs in the official store. Read this material to understand what HUD option fits you best.


Creating HUD

Hand2Note has very flexible tools to create your own HUD. You can deeply customize your stats, HUD and popups to make a profile right for your needs.

Check the manual of working with HUD editor first. Below you may also find answers on frequently asked questions.


hand2note stats editor
Hand2Note stats editor

Hand2Note has a powerful intuitive interface for creating custom stats. Also, a large number of ready-made stats are available immediately after installation.

Check the introduction into poker statistics in Hand2Note. Then take a look at the manuals of operating with different types of stats in the software:


hand2note database
Hand2Note database management

Hand2Note uses its built-in database server by default. So you don’t need to have PostgreSQL installed on your PC to correct Hand2Note operation.

You can manage databases through Hand2Note interface in Configuration → Database. Read the short manual about databases in Hand2Note. There are also some quick links for the most frequent requests:


Hand2Note is free for any stakes in BASE version with some limitations on functionality. If you want to use all the advanced features of the software, you can buy one of the add-ons: ASIA, EDGE or PRO. The choose of the subscription plan depends on the rooms you play and functions you need. See the most important information about the license:


These are the major common features of the tracker that every player will find useful. Check the manuals carefully:

Exclusive functions

Range Research and Decision Analysis are the most powerful tools of Hand2Note. They allow you to thoroughly explore your opponents and your own weaknesses. These tools are only available on EDGE or PRO version, so it can be the motivation to purchase it.

Export & moving

Hand2Note is very flexible and you can easily export all the settings, HUDs, notes and hands or move them to another tracker of Hand2Note on another device. Look at the quick manuals how to extract needed information from the software:


Additional technical information that can be useful:

Other software manuals

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